Sunday, March 17, 2013

About This Blog

I am a born-and-raised Mormon girl who is, technically speaking, agnostic. This blog is about reconciling my actual religious beliefs with the church that I was raised in, that is a part of me, and that I love. It's what the subtitle says it is--it's about coping. I wish that I had a simple faith life. I wish that I could just believe in this thing and throw myself into it. I don't have that in me. But I love the LDS church and I want to be a part of it.

I have a lot of weaknesses--a lot, a lot--but my one true strength is that I am honest. Almost to a fault. Okay, definitely to a fault. Seriously, my honesty is what got me into this mess in the first place. It's what made it impossible for me to continue doing what I was doing. But I am figuring out how to participate in the church, and teach my children the gospel, while still being honest with myself.

And that's what this blog is about.


  1. Ahhh, reading your blog (and frequent FB updates) makes me sentimental for the old CHHS days. Skipping out on that dumb dance class... Stealing quarters from the mall fountain to buy vending machine toys... The list goes on :)
    Anyway, I love Virginia and hope to be traveling out there sometime in the next year or so. When I do, I'd love to see if there was a time I could perhaps catch up with you and meet your family (I have only ever briefly met Andrew, and I've never met any of your kids).
    Anyway, best wishes to you and your family!
    -Eric B

  2. Googled "LDS faith crisis" and ended up here, so grateful I did. We see eye to eye on so many things in this religion and culture! I am just trying to figure out where I fit in, and what you have to say makes a lot of sense. I too am an honest person who can't make claims I'm not sure of! Thanks for being willing to have a blog that puts it all out there. I appreciate it.
